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Facilitating the Energy Transition through Robust Transmission Expansion

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO) grid is experiencing a dramatic transformation driven by favorable economics, technological advances, state policies, and consumer preferences for carbon-free energy, resulting in MISO’s electric system increasingly being fueled by intermittent renewable generation. These renewable resources continue to replace the region’s conventional baseload generation that constituted the backbone of the MISO electric system for decades. While these changes bring many benefits, they also present challenges, such as an increased and urgent need for robust transmission expansion.
Representing the MISO Transmission Owners, Wright & Talisman worked with MISO as joint filers and successfully prosecuted before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the cost allocation and cost recovery for Multi-Value Projects to support the region’s Long Range Transmission Planning initiative. This effort culminated in the July 2022 MISO Board of Directors approval of an initial tranche of $10.4 billion of time-sensitive transmission projects. We continue to advise the MISO Transmission Owners as the region evaluates additional tranches of transmission projects to meet the region’s needs.